
Up Catalog

The map in the margin of the sheet from the Cocos Islands is from 1724 by a grandson.

SCN 221a

Barent Langenes

     Barent Langenes flourished between 1598 and 1610. He was the author and publisher of the Caert Thresoor (Miniature World Atlas) issued in 1598. The maps were engraved by Jodocus Hondius and Pieter van Keere. The atlas was revised and reissued several times by various publishers until 1650.

SCN 409

Richard Lignon

     Barbados was settled by English colonists in 1627. The charter to the island was granted to James, the Earl of Carlisle. In the 1840’s sugarcane became the chief product of the colony, and in order to provide the necessary labor slaves from Africa were imported. In 1834 slavery was abolished in the British Empire. Barbados became independent in 1966
     The map by Richard Lignon was contained in his book, A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbadoes, published in 1657.

SCN 466
