Islands ~ Modern Maps

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The set was issued in 1967. It shows maps of twelve Indonesian Islands and twenty musical instruments. They are the island of Djawa (Java), Tjlembung and Rebab; Timoh, Sasando; Flores, Foi Doa; Sumatra, Kultjapi and Serunai; Sangih, Arababu; Irian Barat (West New Guinea), Genderang (Drums) and Trompet; Sulawes (Celebes), Katjapi and Kulintang; Kalinmantan (Borneo), Hape; Bali, Gangsa; Malutu (Moluccas), Totubuang; Nias, Tamburu (Drums); Kalimantua (Borneo), Keledi

SCN 705 SCN 706 SCN 707 SCN 708
SCN 709 SCN 710 SCN 711 SCN 712
SCN 713 SCN 714 SCN 715 SCN 716
SCN 717 SCN 718 SCN 719 SCN 720

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