An "error" is philately usually refers
something that has gone wrong in the production of a stamp: the wrong
or missing colors, misperforations, inversions, and things like that.
Such errors are relatively rare and therefore stamps with such errors
are expensive. However, there is another kind of error that is neither
so rare nor so expensive. It is the design error. In the case of map
stamps they include incorrect coordinates, mistakes in spelling,
incorrect geography, political and historical errors, and other
similar matters. This section is concerned with those errors. The American Topical Association includes
“Design Errors” with “ghosts” under “Oddities” in the section
titled “Unplanned Varieties (EFOs)” in their publication, Elements for Thematic Exhibits.
400 |
427-428 |
462-463 |
Afghanistan 853 |
Afghanistan 966a |
Antigua 195-198 |
445 |
Argentina 1411 |
Ascension 139 |
Ascension 536 |
Australia 111-112 |
Australia 283 |
Australia 305 |
Australia 776-777 |
Austria 608 |
Austria 756 |
Azerbaijan 394. 394b |
304 |
Bahamas 392 |
Barbados 226 |
Barbados 246 |
Barbados 316-319 |
257 |
Bermuda 148, 156 |
Bermuda 924 |
Bolivia 820 |
Botswana 140 |
Brazil 928 |
Bulgaria 153 |
Burma 66-69 |
Burma 88-89 |
Cameroon C270 |
Cambodia 76a, 77 |
Canada 85,86 |
Canada 194 |
Canada 274 |
Canada 370 |
Canada 387 |
411 |
Canada 446 |
Canada 977 |
Canada 1145 |
1564 |
Cape Verde 286 |
Cayman 85 |
Cayman 140 |
Cayman 156 |
Cayman 189-190 |
Cayman 216 |
Cent. Afr. Rep. 14-16 |
Christmas Island 50 |
China 169 |
China 364-367 |
China 999a |
China 9N105-106 |
Colombia 649 |
726,C390-C393 |
Cuba 4069 |
Cook Islands 132 |
Cook Islands 423 |
Cook Islands 434 |
Costa Rica 177-178 |
Croatia |
Cuba 593 |
Czechoslovakia 1180 |
Czechoslovakia 1457 |
Dominican Rep. 111-119 |
Dominican Rep. 351-355 |
Dominican Rep. 381 |
Dominican Rep. C62 |
Ecuador 340 |
Ecuador 1138-1140 |
Ecuador 1141 |
Egypt 386 |
Egypt 375-377 |
Egypt 456 |
Egypt 721 |
Ethiopia C57-C59 |
Falkland Is. 110 |
Fiji 120 |
Fiji 183
222 |
Fiji 1005 |
France 741 |
France 1168 |
France 1647 |
France 1848 |
France 2287 |
France 2372 |
France 3011 |
France |
France B96 |
French Morocco
C26 |
French Polynesia C220 |
FSAT C109 |
Gambia 170 |
Gambia 271 |
GDR 346 |
GDR 1648 |
Germany 644 |
1353 |
Germany 1362 |
Germany 1705, 1713, B818 |
Germany 1898 |
2019 |
Germany 2379 |
Germany C50 |
Ghana 61 |
Gibralter 153 |
Gilbert & Ellice 79 |
Gilbert & Ellice 155-156 |
Great Britain 336 |
Great Britain 388 |
Greece 586 |
Grenada Gren. 1496 |
Guatemala 246 |
Guatemala 279 |
Guatemala C141 |
Guernsey 9, 18 |
Guin.Biss. 756,788 |
Haiti 450 |
Haiti 317 |
Hong Kong 427-430 |
Hungary 1705 |
Iceland B6 |
India 275-286 |
Indonesia 597-599 |
Iraq 517 |
2197 |
Ireland 66 |
Ireland 407 |
Ireland 1542 |
Italy 649-650 |
Italy 655 |
Italy 832 |
Italy 834a |
Italy 1815 |
Italy 2378 |
Coast 946 |
Japan 267 |
Japan 1644 |
41, 44, 267 |
Jersey 151 |
Jersey 160 |
Jordan 466-470 |
Jordan 319-321 |
526 |
Kiribati 417 |
Korea 39-51 |
Lesotho167 |
285-286 |
Liberia 233 |
Liberia 726 |
Liberia 769 |
Libya 147-149 |
Macau 928a |
Malagasy Rep. 1062 |
Malaya 83 |
Malaysia 1-3 |
Mali 58 |
Marshall Is. 142 |
Mauritania C91 |
Mauritius 241 |
Mauritius 566 |
Mauritius 957 |
282 |
Mexico 512 |
Mexico C282 |
Mexico C301 |
Mexico C538 |
Monaco 365 |
Monaco 565 |
Morocco C26 |
Mozambique 390 |
Nepal 71-83 |
New Hebrides 208 |
Netherlands 736 |
Netherlands 1196 |
Neth. Antil. 352 |
Neth. Antil. B32 |
Neth. Antil. B39-B42 |
Antilles B360d |
New Caledonia C1-C6 |
New Zealand 230 |
New Zealand 434 |
New Zealand
981a |
New Zealand 1628 |
Newfoundland 86 |
Newfoundland 145 |
Newfoundland 223 |
Newfoundland C11 |
New South Wales 85 |
Nicaragua 90-98 |
Nicaragua 750 |
Nicaragua C186-C192 |
Nicaragua C264 |
Nigeria 231 |
Norfolk Is. 122 |
Norfolk Is. 123-124 |
Norfolk Is. 559 |
North Borneo 249 |
North Borneo 266 |
North Korea
1577 |
Oman 163 |
Pakistan 108-111 |
Pakistan n.n. |
Palau 325 |
Palau 546 |
Panama 1-7 |
Peru 377 |
Peru 1362 |
Pitcairn Is. 33 |
Poland 3040 |
Portugal 658-661 |
Portugal 1115 |
PRC 167 |
PRC 999a |
Qatar 321-322 |
Reunion 60 |
Reunion 91-98 |
Reunion 116-121 |
Romania 3869 |
Russia 379 |
Senegal 1041 |
Rwanda 1-8 |
Ryukyu Is. 192 |
Salvador 500a/O351a |
Samoa 222 |
San Marino 317 |
Arabia 198-200 |
Seychelles 209 |
Seychelles 341 |
South Africa 220 |
South Georgia 2 |
Spain 434 |
2995 |
Sri Lanka 1128 |
State of Oman |
St. Helena 201-204 |
111, 114 |
Sweden 902 |
C191 |
Syria 802 |
Thailand 296-299 |
330 |
Togo 382 |
94 |
Tonga 109 |
Turkey 728-736 |
Turkey 1256 |
Turks & Caicos 97, 111 |
Tuvalu 25 |
United Nations 205-206 |
United Nations 306 |
United States 239 |
United States 327 |
United States 650 |
United States 702 |
United States 795 |
United States 955 |
United States 1069 |
United States
1091 |
1154 |
United States 1258 |
United States 1274 |
United States 1306 |
United States 2387 |
States 2388 |
United States 2535 |
United States 2620a |
United States 2626b |
United States C10 |
United States C53 |
478 |
Venezuela 681 |
Virgin Islands 98-101 |
Islands 113 |
Wallis & Futuna C169 |
Yemen 88-90 |
Yugoslavia 1786 |
19 |