In 1964 Yugoslavia issued a
set of six stamps with initials and miniatures from early manuscripts
and printed books.
stamp shows a illuminated initial from the Gospel of Hilandar
transcribed in the thirteenth century. Hilandar was a Serbian
monastery on Mt. Athos in Greece.
Miroslav's Gospel is
the oldest preserved Serbian document written in Cyrillic. It is a 362
page book, with rich ornamentation, transcribed in 1186-1190 from an
earlier Macedonian exemplar. The transcription was done by Varsameleon
from Zeta and Gligorije from Raska. It is the National Museum in
Belgrade. The stamp shows an illuminated initial.
Crnojevic was the last independent South Slav ruler. He ruled
Montenegro from 1490-1496. During his short reign he established a
printing press at Cetinje in 1492, 38 years after Gutenberg developed
the movable type press..
Montenegro was the only country in the Balkans which
was not occupied by the Turks, and the Cyrillic printing house printed
Christian theological books. The picture on the stamp is a detail from
on of the volumes of the Cetinjski Octoih, a liturgical
The stamp shows a female saint from the Evangel of Trogir by
the copyist, Panaret in 1209.
Hrvoje's Missal is a liturgical book transcribed by Butko in
Zandar in 1404. It was written in the Glagolitic alphabet which was
preferred by Bosnian Christians.. Hrvoje Vukcic Hrvatinic was the Duke
of Bosnia, a Croat. The missal has been kept in the Library of the
Topkapi Saray in Constantinople since the sixteenth century. The image
on the stamp shows Duke Hrvoje on horseback.
final stamp shows a symbolic fight in a manuscript of St. Augustine's
De Civitate Dei, transcribed in the fourteenth century.