Hakim Nizami Aldin Abou
Mohammed Elyas bin Yousuf bin Zaki in Mo’ayed Nezami Ganjavi, “Nizami
of Ganja” (1141-1204), was a major Azerbaijani poet. His major work is
the Khamsa, four lyric poems, the "Treasure House of Mysteries"
1173, "Khosrow and Sirin" (1181), "Leili and Majnun" (1188), "Seven
Beauties" (1197), and an historical poem, "Iskandar-Nama," about
Alexander the Great.
The stamp shows an eighteenth century Persian
manuscript of "Khosrow and Sirin" from the State Library of the German
Democratic Republic. The poem, of epic proportions, draws on incidents
in the life of the Sassanian Shahinshah, Khusrau Perwiz II (590 A.D.).
He is said to have married a daughter of the Greek Emperor Maurice,
named Irene, called by the Persians, Shirin, “Sweet.” Ferhad saw her
bathing in a stream and fell in love with her. Khosrow (Khusrau,
Khosru) directed Ferhad to complete several impossible tasks.
The picture in the book on the stamp shows Ferhad
spying on Shirin. The stamp was issued in 1990 to celebrate several
treasures in the State Library.
