The pyramid-shaped Matterhorn, the landmark
of Zermatt, is largely made up of rocks of African origin. The base of
the mountain is composed of sedimentary rocks (chalk, limestone,
shale) and ocean-curstal rocks from the bed of the primeval “Tethys”
Sea. The summit, from about 3,400 meters up, consists of metamorphosed
granites and gneisses of the Apulian plate, a part of the African
continental plate.
About 45 million years ago the African plate and
European plate collided and the edge of the European plate pushed
under the African plate. As the Alps formed the sediment and volcanic
rock of the former Tethys sea which had existed between Africa and
Europe were trapped under the African plate. This rock metamorphosed
into granites and gneisses. These rocks were pushed further north and
came to rest in the upper section of the mountain on top of much
younger rocks at its base.
The image on the stamp combines the profile of the
Matterhorn with the shape of the African continent in a remarkable
“hidden” map. An indication of the nature of the stamp is the
“two-way” inscription on the stamp with “Helvetia” and 85 upside down
to each other.
