Maps on Stamps

Up Catalog

    Cartography is the process of making maps. For my purposes it includes the instruments of navigation, map projections, mapping themes, and so on. As time goes on I will try to cover all of these areas.
     The Carto-Philatelist Society, affiliated with the American Topical Association and the American Philatelic Society, uses a simplified system for grading maps on stamps based on the one developed by Mark D. Larkin.
          A = a good map
          AR = a reproduction of an old map or chart
          O = all other maps
          OC= map makers and mapmaking equipment         
     The Society has also released a check list of maps on stamps. It contains over 15,000 entries based on t
he original ATA Handbook #104 published in 1982; and updates for 1982 through March 2003. Annual updates are planned. For more information on the Carto-Philatelist Society click on the Society's link in "Resources."

Booklets The Changing Earth Countries
Design Errors Globes

Historical Maps


Thematic Cartography Unusual Maps



If you have comments, corrections, or questions email me.