Greece 1193
In 1976 Greece issued a stamp to commemorate the first book printed in
Greek. The inscription on the stamp ΠΕΝΤΑΚΟΣΙΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΤΟΝ
ΠΡΩΤΟΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΝ, is “500th anniversary of the printing of the
first book in Greek.”
The stamp shows a picture of the book, the Επιτομή
των oκτώ του λόγου μερών (Summary of the Eight Parts of Speech),
by Constantine Lascaris (1434-1501). The type face, resembling the
cursive Greek handwriting of the time, was carved by Dimitrios
Damilas, a native of Crete. The book was printed in 1476 in Milan by
Dionysius Paravisinus.
