Misspelling in Greek

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     The French stamp showing Coronelli's large globes was issued in 2008. The stamp features a picture of parts of the two globes, and a larger picture of the constellation of The Crane from the celestial atlas. The constellation is identified in four languages, Italian, Latin, Greek and Arabic. Unfortunately, in the Greek name, the initial G (Gamma) is replaced by a T (Tau) so that the name is TERANOS i(TERANOS) Istead of GERANOS (GERANOS=Crane).TERANOS has no meaning in Greek.

Below is an enlarged view of the area of the globe showing the names.

Following are directions to see further images:
     Click on this link:: http://expositions.bnf.fr/globes/
       On this page click on the link "le globe céleste."
           On this page click on the link "a la loupe."
              Click on the + at the bottom, then click on the + and on the picture centered
                  where you want to see the enlargement.

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