Germany 1705, 1713, B818
After the reunification of Germany the border
between Brandenburg, Sachsen Anhalt, Niedersachsen and
Mecklenburg-Vorpommen was changed so there was no longer a border
between Mecklenburg-Vorpommen and Sachsen-Anhalt.

Old Borders
New Borders
Among the stamps issued in 1992-1994 featuring a map of the reunified
Federal German Republic with state borders, three show the old border:
Hessen (Scott catalog number 1705, issued in 1993), Schleswig-Holstein
(1713, issued in 1994)and Brandenburg (B818, issued in 1997). Those
three stamps are errors. The Brandenburg stamp issued in 1993 (1702)
also has the old border, but was issued in 1993 before the border
change. The rest of the stamps in the set show the new borders.
