The them for the United Nations in 2006 was "Deserts and
Desertification, referring to the formation, expansion or
intensification of degraded areas of soil and vegetation cover. It is
this degradation of the land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid
areas that make survival there increasingly difficult. Desertification
is about land degradation: the loss of the land’s biological
productivity, caused by human-induced factors and climate change. It
affects one third of the earth’s surface and over a billion people.
In 2006 Ethiopia, one of the countries most effected by
desertification issued a set of four map stamps focused on
desertification as a theme. The low value of the set has a
representation of the UN logo or emblem., the polar azimuthal
equidistant projection., adopted in 1947 as the official emblem of the
UN. Also all the stamps have on the left side a representation of the
IYDD logo.
Apart from the low value the three upper values have maps that show
the areas of vulnerability to desertification in Ethiopia, Africa and
the World.
