The Codex Aureus
was inscribed at Canterbury on vellum in the mid-eighth century. It is
richly decorated with alternate leaves dyed purple, written with gold
and silver and white pigment, and undyed leaves, written with black
ink and red pigment.
In the middle of the 9th century it was captured by
Vikings, ransomed by Ealdorman Ælfred of Surry (fl. 870's and 880's)
and his wife Wærburh, and given to Christ Church. In the 16th century
it was a part of the library of Jerónimo Zurita, the governor of
Aragon. It was purchased by Johan G. Sparwenfeldt in 1690 for the
Swedish Royal Library, where it is preserved today.
The page on the stamp is a portrait St. John throned
with the lion symbol associated with him above (folio 150 v.).
