Buenas Aires ~ 1567
city of Buenas Aires was founded twice. In 1535 it was founded by
Pedro de Mendoza. Ulrich Schmidl, who accompanied de Mendoza, wrote
“In 1535 we arrived on Riodellaplata, and found an Indian village of
about 2000 people named Zechurias. There we built a new town and
called it Bonas Aeieres....” The town declined and the survivors went
up river to the fortified settlement of Asunción. Juan de Garay
refounded the town with the name, Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen
Aire in 1580.
The plan that is reproduced on the stamp is included in
Schmidl’s account of his life in South America, Warhafftige und
liebliche Beschreibung etlicher fürnemen Indianischen Landtschafften
und Insulen...., 1567.
plan tells a story. Three men stole a horse and ate it. They were
tortured. They confessed and were hanged. The next night three other
men cut off pieces of their bodies and ate them to overcome their
hunger. The three are seen in the upper right stealing the horse, then
within the walls of the town killing and butchering the animal.
Finally, on the right side, in the middle, the men have been hanged
and their bodies are being dismembered by others who are hungry. Later
writers doubted the truth of the story.
Buenas Aires
The stamps show various examples of cartography of the Buenos Aires
area. Clockwise from the upper left: América meridional,
planisferio de Arques, Pierre Descalliers, 1546. Estuario del
Rio de la Plata, Claes Voogt, 17th century. Desembocadura del
Riachuelo y pto. de Bs. Aires. Vista satelital (Opening of the
river and port of Buenos Aires. Satellite view) , I.G.M.A.,
1999. Buenos Aires, Avellaneda y alred, I.G.M.A., 1910.