Portugal (Azores) 462
In 1589 Jan Huygen Van Linschoten was stranded for two years in the
Azores where he painted the map of Angra on the island of Terceira
reproduced on this souvenir sheet. In 1592 he returned to Lisbon and
in 1592-1596 he published a three volume history of his experiences,
Itinerario: Voyage ofte schipvaert van Jan Huyghen Van Linschoten
naar Ooster ofte Portuguese Indien inhandende een certe beschrijvinge
de salaer landen inde zeecusen...1579-1592. He included the
picture on the stamp. Other stamps with Van Linschoten maps are
Ascension 289, Mozambique 487, and St. Helena 318.
The sheet issued by Portugal (Azores) in 2001 based on
van Linschoten's picture shows the town of Angra and the Monte Brazil
(the two mountains at the lower left of the picture). In 1983 Angra do
Heroísmo was placed on the list of World Heritage Sites of UNESCO.