The stamps were issued by
Argentina in 1989 to commemorate Espamer ‘90 and the Discovery of
American in 1492.
Columbus' Book of Privileges
The first stamp has Columbus’ coat of arms and a
picture of the title page of his Book of Privileges, a
collection of the agreements between Columbus and the King and Queen
of Spain made in 1502 before his final voyage, as well as other
documents which enumerated his rights to titles and profits from
previous voyages and instructions for the third voyage. Three copies
were written on vellum and one on paper

Guaman Poma de Ayala's Nueva Crónica y buen
In 1615 a native Andean,
Gauman Poma de Ayala, composed a manuscript detailing the damaging
effects of Spanish colonization on this area of South America. He
illustrated his Nueva Crónica y buen gobierno (New
Chronicle and Good Government) with 398 of his own drawings. The
one on the stamp is titled: La Ciudade Tucuman Bishopric. The
manuscript was cataloged in the Royal Library of Denmark before 1785
and then was lost until it was discovered by Richard A. Pietschmann in
1908. A digital form, is at

Pedro Cieza de Leon's Descubrimiento y
conquista del Perú
The first part of
Descubrimiento y conquista del Perú (Discovery and Conquest of
Peru) was finished in 1550 and published at Seville in
1553. It was intended to have two more parts, but the author, Pedro
Cieza de Leon, died in 1560 without having completed his book. It is a
topographical view of the country of Peru at the time of the conquest.
The other three parts were intended to provide a pre-conquest history,
the history of the conquest, and the civil wars which followed the
conquest. An English version is available from

Ulrich Schmidl's Viaje Al Rio de la Plata
Ulrich Schmidl, a Bavarian
mercenary, wrote Viaje Al Rio de la Plata (Journey to the
River Plate) between 1534 and 1559. It tells of his experiences
during the founding of what now is called Buenas Aires, among other
matters. I have found very little information about Schmidl and his
experiences. I would appreciate any further information. Also, please
see the discussion of Argentina SCN
