Gilbert and Ellice Islands 156, 155
In 1978 the Ellice Islands became independent as the nation of Tuvalu.
In 1979 the Gilbert Islands, the Phoenix Islands and the Line Islands
became independent as the nation of Kiribati.
The stamp issued in 1969 commemorating the first
anniversary of the University of the South Pacific features a map of
South Pacific Islands. The Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides, the
Gilbert Islands and the Cook Islands are generally in a proper
relationship to each other.
The Ellice Islands, Samoa and Tonga are
south, not east of the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati). Viti Levu and Vanua
Levu, the Fiji Islands, where the University of the South Pacific is
located, are in the proper place, but they are comparatively several
times too large.

In the same set the middle value stamp shows
the islands of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands. The Ellice Islands are
east rather than south of the Gilbert Islands, and much closer
together than they should be. Tarawa is the fifth island from the top.
It is also the large atoll in the center of the stamp. It is the capital
of the Kiribati Islands.

Tuvalu 17
This stamp shows the correct
relationship between the two groups of islands.
