Ship's logs and maps of exploratory voyages
were highly prized in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and very
secret. They were the key to trade and treasure. The penalty for
revealing such information to foreigners was often death. In 1502 the
Duke of Ferrara instructed his agent, Alberto Cantino, to acquire
information on the latest Portuguese discoveries. Cantino paid twelve
gold ducats for a copy of the official Portuguese padron, the world
map on which all new discoveries were recorded. It is called Carta
de navigar per le Isole nouam tr[ovate] in le parte de India: dono
Alberto Cantino al S. Duca Hercole (Chart of the islands recently
discovered in the regions of the Indies presented to Ercole d'Este, by
Alberto Cantino). The two horizontal red lines are the Tropics of
Capricorn and Cancer. The black line between them is the equator. The
vertical line labled in red is the Treaty of Tordesillas' line.
