Designed in the style of
the Bayeux Tapestry this set of stamps outlines the history of England
and Normandy over a period of three centuries

911: Charles the Simple of France creates
Rollo the Viking Duke of Normandy:
933: Raoul of France cedes Contentin & Jersey to Rollo’s son William
Longsword. 1030: Duke Robert the Devil & Edward the Confessor blown by
storm to Jersey: 1042: Edwards succeeds Harthacnut of Denmark as King
of England.

1066: Duke William the Conqueror crowned King,
uniting England with Normandy: 1087: At his death, Robert Curthose
inherits Normandy, & William II, England.
1100: On William Rufus’ death Henry is King, but Robert holds
1106: Henry defeats Duke Robert at Tinchebrai, reuniting England &

1135: Stephen King:
Henry’s daughter, Matilda & husband Geoffrey lay claim from Anjou:
1139: Matilda in England: Named Queen
1141, But returns to Geoffrey in Normandy.
1151: Henry becomes Duke on Geoffrey’s death & King when John loses
mainland Normandy but asserts ducal rights in Jersey in 1213.