"Mourelle was one of the
last great men to navigate the Pacific in the second half of the
eighteenth century. He made the last Spanish voyage into the South
Pacific in 1780 and 1781 with the frigate La Princesa. They sailed
from Manila and Canton through Melanesia and discovered the Vavau
group of the Tonga Islands, and also visited the Haapai group of those
same islands... Mourelle's second voyage with the Sonora in 1775
explored the coasts of Alta California, the Northwest, and Alaska as
far as 62° N. latitude. The great port of San Francisco was first
surveyed on this expedition. In 1793 Mourelle returned to Spain and
was heavily involved in the naval wars, first with France and then
with Great Britain," Daines, Barrington's Miscellanies, 1781.
The stamp issued in 1981 commemorating Maurelle's visit
in 1781 shows his route through the Solomon Islands on the map drawn
by Jacques Nicholas Bellin in 1742.
location of the Solomon Islands was uncertain for many years because
though many explorers sighted the islands, they did not all identify
them with the Solomon Islands. In 1781 Phillippe Buache, a French
geographer, presented a paper to the Academie des Sciences, showing
that the Solomon Islands discovered by the Spaniards should be sought
about 12° 30' South latitude, between Santa Cruz and New Guinea, and
that those islands discovered by Carteret in 1767, Bougainville in
1768, and by Surville in 1769 were the same. (See the text on the
souvenir sheet for further description of the history of the
Solomon's, and the purpose of the map. The chart is identified as by
Jean Nicholas Buache published in 1791, shows the locations of the
islands by Delisle, Danville, Bellin, Pingre, Dudley, Witfliet, and