

     Some stamps reflect the subject in the way the stamp is made. The stamp is what it represents. Both the embroidery and silver stamps are like that. The chocolate stamp is not made of chocolate, but it is close enough.


     Switzerland issued a truly unique stamp on June 21, 2000. It was embroidered in two tones of blue on a satin-weave polyester base by Bischoff Textil AG of St. Galen. The design is based on eighteenth century “point de neige” needlework, eighteenth century Valenciennes lace, in which the background and the pattern are woven simultaneously, and machine embroidery from the 1930’s.

SCN 1075

     In 2004 Italy also issued a stamp showing embroidery;

SCN 224

     And Austria in 2005.

SCN 2019


     In 2001 Switzerland issued a stamp commemorating 100 years of the manufacture of chocolate.

SCN 1100


     The Netherlands issued a stamp in 2001 made of silver. (The picture below does not adequately represent the stamp. The silver reflects too brightly in the scanner.) The Royal Dutch Mint minted 1 million copies of the stamp. It was the last stamp issued by the Netherlands valued in Guilders