The minisheet issued by the Vatican in 1997
commemorates a “Looking at the Classics” Museum Exhibition. The design
features a miniature from codex C of the Comedies of Terence, the
adicula holding the masks from the comedy Andréa (166 b.c.) by Terence
(185 to 159 b.c.). Two manuscripts in the Papal Vatican Library, Lat.
3226, 4-5th centuries, and Lat. 3868, 9th century, have the text of
the comedies, and the latter also has miniatures that show how the
play was supposed to be enacted . Among the miniatures is the adicula
which shows the masks for Andria (folio 3, illustration 7).
The cast for this play includes: Simo Senex, Sosia
Libertus, Davos Servos, Mysis Ancilla, Pamphilus Adulescens, Charinus
Adulescenes, Byrria Servos, Lesbia Obstetrix, Glycerium Virgo, Chemes
Senex, Crito Senes and Dromo Lorarius. I have not been able to
identify which mask belongs to which character.
