In 2002 the Peoples Republic of China issued
a set of five stamps commemorating Chinese lighthouses. The stamps
have nautical charts locating the lighthouses. The Maota Pagoda
Lighthouse is located on Mao Island in the Mao River in Quigpu county,
Shanghai. It was built in 874 A.D. In 1279, at the end of the Song
Dynasty the coastline receded and the light was finally extinguished.
In 2002 it was re-kindled.

The Jangxin Pagoda Lighthouses are on
Isolated Island in the Ou River in Wenzhou. The east lighthouse was
Elephant Rock, on Dongfeng Mount was first built in 970 A.D. The west
was Lion Rock on Xifeng Mount, first built in 869 A.D. The two two
towers face each other; the Shuangta Lighthouse is the highest, 48
