The stamp issued by
Armenia in 1992 is described in the Scott catalog as “Runic message.
VII B.C., Karmir-blur." The Armenia postal web page describes it as "Cunieform
Inscription, VII B.C., Karmir-blour."

Karmir-blour (Red Hill), a
fortified settlement of the 4th century B.C. which has been called
Yerevan (Erevan) since the 7th century B.C. was excavated in 1939.
Many artifacts were uncovered including writings in both Uratu
hieroglyphics and Assyrian cunieform. The inscription on the stamp was
found in Yerevan at the excavation of a Urartian site, the city of
Teishebainy (VII B.C., and the first half VI B.C.), and kept in the
State History Museum of Armenia.