Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612) was born in Wakken, the son of Olivier de
Hondt, and Petronella d'Havertuyn. His family moved to Ghent
when Jodocus was still very young and by the age of eight he had taken
up drawing and engraving. In 1584, because of the war with Spain and
to escape religious persecution, Jodocus fled to London.
He trained with the English cartographers Richard
Hakluyt and Edward Wright, and in 1593 he returned to Amsterdam and
established a business specializing in map and globe making. In 1604
Jodocus bought the plates of Mercator's Atlas, which had fallen
behind in competition with Ortelius' popular atlas. He combined
Mercator's original maps with about 40 of his own more up-to-date maps
and from 1606 published enlarged editions of the Atlas, still under
Mercator's name but with his own name as publisher.
In 1590 he published Vera
totius expeditionis nauticae Descriptio D. Franc. Draciqui ... ex
Anglia Solvens 13. Decembris Anno 1577, terrarum orbis Ambitum
Circumnavigans ... in angliam rediit 27 Septembris 1580...
(The dates mark the beginning and end of Drake's voyage.), based on a map
Rumold Mercator, Orbis Terrae Compeniosa Descriptio Quam ex Magna
Vniuersali Gerardi Mercatoris Domino Richard Gartho Geographie ac
ceterarum bonarum artium amatori ac fautori summo, in veteris amicitie
ac familaritatis memoria Rumoldus Mercator fieri curabat A M.D.
Lxxxvii, in turn based on Gerard Mercator's map of 1567. The continents of North and South
America and Europe-Asia-Africa are divided between the two
hemispheres. South America is drawn more accurately than on the
Mercator map, but the continent of Australia is still misunderstood.
Sir Frances Drake's course around the earth,
traced in red, is not completely accurate. The route South from
England swings too far west northwest of Africa. Drake made a number
of stops on both the east and west coasts of South America which are
not marked. And the route through the East Indies is incorrect.
However, Nova Albion on the coast of California is marked. The
original also shows the course of Thomas Cavendish a few years later
The sheet commemorates
the 400th anniversary of Drake's voyage around the world
Between 1605
and 1610 he engraved the plates for the maps in John Speed's The
Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. The souvenir sheet is a
simplified version of Hondius' America meridionalis, published in
1608. The sheet was issued in 1988 to mark the ARABAPEX '88 Philatelic
Shortly before his death in
1612, Jodocus' daughter Elisabeth married another prominent publisher,
Jan Jansson. From 1632 the premises were known as De Wackeren