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     The catalog lists each stamp that appears in the various topical collections. Some of the stamps appear in more than one place, and so will appear more than once in the catalog. have checked all the links for accuracy but if  you find errors, please let me know. To jump to the stamp click on the country.
     The Michel and Gibbons numbers for map stamps have been added based on the Checklist of the CartoPhilatelist Society. The Gibbons numbers end in 1993-94 because of the catalogs used. Michel also ends about the same time. Those will be updated as they become available to me.
     If you have a correction or addition to these numbers please let me know. I will be happy to make additions and corrections.

Country Scott Michel Gibbons
Caldas Local 1c      
Caldas Local 5c      
Cambodia 76 98 98
Cambodia 77 99 99
Cambodia 78 100 100
Cambodia 76a 981  
Cambodia 77a 991  
Cameroon C295    
Cameroun C270 882 834
Cameroun C270 882 834
Canada 85 74b 166
Canada 85 74b 166
Canada 85 74b 166
Canada 85 74b 166
Canada 86 74c 168
Canada 86 74c 168
Canada 145 122 270
Canada 194 161 317
Canada 196 2086  
Canada 274 243 408
Canada 274 243 408
Canada 370 317 496
Canada 370 317 496
Canada 411 354 536
Canada 446 390 571
Canada 446 390 571
Canada 479 420 621
Canada 494 436 636
Canada 499 441 642
Canada 540 480 682
Canada 561 499 720
Canada 612 521 751
Canada 847 758 970
Canada 890 801 1013
Canada 891 802 1014
Canada 892 803 1015
Canada 893 804 1016
Canada 893 804 1016
Canada 897 808 1020
Canada 977 867 1084
Canada 977 867 1084
Canada 995 889 1102
Canada 1145 1058 1251
Canada 1251 1148 1337
Canada 1406 1281 1489
Canada 1407 1282 1490
Canada 1413 1288 1497
Canada 1564 1501 1646
Canada 1567 1501 II 1647
Canada 1722 1676 1791
Canada 1963 2084 2170
Canada 1993 2132 2193
Canada 2027    
Canada 1107a B5 MS1212
Canada 1129a 1023-6 1244
Canada 1779a B28  
Canada FDC    
Canal Zone 12 12 12
Canal Zone 141 124 194
Canal Zone 150 145 215
Canal Zone C16 98 144
Canal Zone C7    
Canal Zone  157 151 224
Cape Verde 277 280 346
Cape Verde 286 289 355
Cape Verde 286 289 355
Cape Verde 343 346 407
Cape Verde 343 346 407
Cape Verde 355 358 419
Cape Verde 525 535 600
Cape Verde 526 536 601
Cape Verde 527 537 602
Cape Verde 528 538 603
Cape Verde 529 539 604
Cape Verde 530 540 605
Cape Verde 664 671 736
Cape Verde 427A-E 402A-E 457-461
Cape Verde 427C 402c 459
Castleorizo 60 10 10
Cayman Islands 85 86 96
Cayman Islands 85 86 96
Cayman Islands 115 109 121a
Cayman Islands 115 115 121a
Cayman Islands 140 141 153
Cayman Islands 140 141 153
Cayman Islands 156 157 168
Cayman Islands 189 190 198
Cayman Islands 190 191 199
Cayman Islands 216 217 228
Cayman Islands 614 628 691
Central African Rep. 14 18 20
Central African Rep. 159 264 274
Ceylon 379 394 500
Ceylon 469 424 590
Chad 68 67 67
Chile 237 329 349
Chile 247 355 374
Chile 248 356 375
Chile 305 545 473
Chile 311 534 466
Chile 311 534 466
Chile 320 556 484
Chile 371 687 600
Chile 455 200e 818-21
Chile 675 1060 998
Chile 974 1466 1405
Chile 974 1466 1405
Chile 1023 1528 1471
Chile 882a 1349 1284
Chile C200 536 468
Chile C200 536 468
Chile C215 557 485
China 364 308 351
China 776 830 985
China 1134 232 228
China 1159 258 250
China 1181 280 272
China 2359 1513 1483
China 2359 1513 1483
China 2437 1595 1570
China 2977 2205 2215
China 2978 2206 2216
China 3309    
China 3310    
China 3414    
China 3415    
China 3416    
China 3417    
China 3068a B67 2320-2321
China 9N105 98 118
China  366 310 503
China  762-763 824-825 972-973
China, East 5L38 34 EC350
China, East 5L64 60 EC359
China, North East 1L6 18 NE138
China, Peoples Rep. 167 192 1569
China, Peoples Rep. 169 194 1571
China, Peoples Rep. 198 223 1601
China, Peoples Rep. 201 A225 1604
China, Peoples Rep. 1859    
China, Peoples Rep. 1860    
China, Peoples Rep. 1861    
China, Peoples Rep. 1862    
China, Peoples Rep. 2329 2363 3724
China, Peoples Rep. 2554 2591 3963
China, Peoples Rep. 3199 3353 4717
China, Peoples Rep. 3200 3354 4718
China, Peoples Rep. 3201 3355 4719
China, Peoples Rep. 3202 3356 4720
China, Peoples Rep. 3203 3357 4721
China, Peoples Rep. 3308 B115 MS4845
China, Peoples Rep. 3438 3645-47 4994a
China, Peoples Rep. 999A A1027  
Chjna, Peoples Rep. 326 354 1731
Christmas Island 11 11 11
Christmas Island 50 50 48
Christmas Island 86    
Christmas Island 308 334 327
Christmas Island 309 335 328
Christmas Island 310 336 329
Christmas Island 357 391 385
Christmas Island 49-54 49-54 47-52
Ciskei 167 187 181
Ciskei 203 228 222
Ciskei 204 229 223
Ciskei 205 230 224
Ciskei 206 231 225
Ciskei 207 232 226
Cocos (Keeling) Is. 3 3 3
Cocos (Keeling) Is. 3 3 3
Cocos (Keeling) Is. 81 B1 MS78
Cocos (Keeling) Is. 117 121 117
Cocos (Keeling) Is. 118 122 118
Cocos (Keeling) Is. 221a B3 MS121
Colombia 649 771 874
Colombia 649 771 874
Colombia 654 778 883
Colombia 748 1032 1129
Colombia 767 1196 891
Colombia C354 891 996
Colombia C392 959 1059
Colombia C393 960 1060
Colombia C514 1147 1240
Colombia H19 254 AR372
Columbia 560 B2  
Columbia C150 B3  
Comoro Islands 502    
Comoro Islands C36 123 104
Comoro Islands C53 155 136
Congo, Dem Republic 966 1314 1306
Congo, Dem. Republic 371 49 407
Congo, Dem. Republic 663 360 701
Cook Islands 132 79 151
Cook Islands 132 79 151
Cook Islands 133 80 152
Cook Islands 134 81 153
Cook Islands 138 85 157
Cook Islands 292    
Cook Islands 293    
Cook Islands 294    
Cook Islands 295    
Cook Islands 296    
Cook Islands 423 449 514
Cook Islands 423 449 514
Cook Islands 434 466 526
Cook Islands 903    
Cook Islands 264-267 228-231 306-309
Costa Rica 131 122 151
Costa Rica 175 191 224
Costa Rica 177 192 225
Costa Rica 178 193 226
Costa Rica 178 194 227
Costa Rica 392 1338 1463
Costa Rica 590 B16 MS793
Costa Rica C701 982 1076
Costa Rica  169 185 218
Costa Rica  393-394 1339-1340 1463
Croatia 173 254 253
Croatia 178    
Croatia 281    
Croatia 282    
Croatia 303 386 451
Croatia 309    
Croatia 312    
Croatia 436    
Croatia 445 B18 MS649
Croatia 516    
Croatia 543    
Croatia 594-596 737-739 817-819
Cuba 257 31 329
Cuba 593 579 865
Cuba 593 579 865
Cuba 1618 1692 1849
Cuba 1850 1925 2082
Cuba 1851 1926 2083
Cuba 1852 1927 2084
Cuba 1853 1928 2085
Cuba 2105 B48  
Cuba 2363 2512 2669
Cuba 2553 2702 2859
Cuba 2554 2703 2860
Cuba 2818 B92  
Cuba 4069 4268 4410
Cuba C117 463 742
Cuba C180 579 865
Cuba  C32 169 443
Cyprus 116 110 125
Cyprus 149 150 157
Cyprus 324 317 329
Cyprus 325 318 330
Cyprus 422 B92 MS429
Cyprus 457    
Cyprus 522 510 529
Cyprus 595    
Cyprus 636 622 644
Cyprus 828 820 848
Cyprus 206-348 210 221
Czechoslovakia 1180 1407 1359
Czechoslovakia 1408    
Czechoslovakia 1457 1691 1642
Czechoslovakia 1558    
Czechoslovakia 1629    
Czechoslovakia 1691 1945 1904
Czechoslovakia 1979 2341 2303
Czechoslovakia 2374    
Czechoslovakia 2446