Signor Aloysius Cesanis, an Italian cartographer, drafted this map in
1574. He based it on the work of Portuguese map makers for the western
portion of the map. The eastern part from the Red Sea to the southern
tip of India is mostly hypothesis.
The design for the stamp
was adapted from a German copy of the original titled Carte S.
Aloysius Cesanis 1574 nach dem original Tafel XXVIII Biblio Natl
Paris. Cesanis is best known for his manuscript sea-atlas of the
Mediterranean produced in 1581.
Vasco Da Gama sighted the Seychelles on his second
voyage to India and is credited with being the first European
discoverer of the islands. The Portuguese called them As Sete Irmas,
the Seven Sisters. Major islands on the map are S. Laurent,
Madagascar, and Taprabana, Java. The small landmass in the
lower right hand corner was meant to represent the northwestern corner
of Australia. Senhor Jaime Cortesão claimed that Portuguese navigators
had landed on Australia in 1522.