French West Africa 58
The presence of French colonies on the African continent is a
complicated one, but one thing is fairly clear, Marcel Treich-Laplène
was instrumental in establishing agreements with Africans in western
Africa. Treich-Laplène was Arthur Verdier's agent in the 1880s. He
negotiated 5 agreements that extended French influence from the
headwaters of teh Niger River through the Côte d'Ivoire. In 1889
he was named tituler governor of Côte d'Ivoire.
He died in 1890.

The map on the stamp shows a route presumably
connected with Treich-Laplène. The
portrait of Treich-Laplène is based on an engraving for Louis Gustave
Binger's book, Du Niger au Golfe de Guinée published in 1892.
Binger was a French officer who also worked to expand French influence
in the area.