
Up Catalog

Burundi 135, 136, 138, 139

     In 1965 Burundi issued a set of 7 stamps in recognition of the International Cooperation Year. Four of these stamps had maps of various parts of the earth. In order, from smallest value to largest: 4 Francs, map of Africa and emblem of the UN Development agency; 8 F, map of Asia and Colombo Plan emblem; 18 F, map of Americas and emblem of the Alliance for Progress; 25 F, map of Europe and EUROPA emblem. The silhouette maps show major rivers on the continents.
     Two of the other stamps have an undifferentiated globe and one has a map of outer space, with appropriate emblems.

SCN 135                 SCN 136

SCN 138                 SCN 139

Burundi 276

     This stamp, issued by Burundi in 1969 to mark the 5th anniversary of the Yaounde Agreement which created the European and African-Malgache Economic Community. The African countries that participated are shown in a darker shade. The emblem in the upper right corner is for the Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications Administration (CEPT). The letters, "CEE-EAMA" on the left side of the stamp refer to the "CEE,"  (Communauté économique européene) and the "EAMA," (Etats Africaines et Malgache associés)--committees of European and African countries.

SCN 276